How my virtual business saved my life

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Today is payday for what used to be my #sidehustle and has, over the past seven months, become my #reasontogetoutofbedhustle. I have seen some posts floating around lately about how $500 a month could save homes from foreclosure, marriages from dissolving under the weight of financial stress, or provide families with a safety net and prevent them from going into debt over a surprise expense/catastrophe.

That’s why a lot of folks start virtual businesses.

But what if a business could change your life? What if a business could save it, just by giving you a reason to get up and get going every day?

I don’t meant to sound melodramatic, stay with me.

If you’ve read even a couple of my blogs you’ll know that I talk about the shame-guilt-depression cycle that one goes through when dealing with chronic pain, and/or chronic illness.

We can’t contribute like we should at work.

We lose our jobs.

We can’t help out around the house.

We lose our disability.

We can’t help pay for groceries or the roof over our head.

We can’t we can’t we can’t.

“Can’t” weighs on us and if we aren’t careful it can sink us like an anchor sitting on our chest.

But with this business, I CAN.

I CAN grow my audience, network, and customer base organically and honestly by maintaining consistency and employing a helluva lot of creativity.

I CAN build my personal brand while laying flat on my back on the couch.

I CAN encourage and empower others and work every day with men and women who encourage and empower me.

I CAN study marketing statistics and strategies from my couch.

I CAN be answering questions and doing consultations via Facebook messenger while I sit in the waiting room at the doctor for over an hour.

I CAN develop quality human relationships and communicate with my friends and business partners each day from wherever I am, physically and mentally. (And no one ever asks for me to give more than I can.)

I CAN do ALL of this while helping others find more confidence, relief, and (maybe for the first time ever) love the skin they’re in. That is so effing RAD!

My paycheck this month is the biggest yet, and while it still isn’t enough to match the income I lost from my traditional day job, it’s more than it was last month.

And the month before that.

I’ve been physically unable to work a traditional job for seven months, but my business KEEPS GROWING.

November was my best month even though I was laid out sick for two weeks of it and had framily visit for a holiday weekend!

So, thankful isn’t just a word I use. It’s an overwhelming feeling,

and it’s changing how I see myself.

Thanks for indulging me.

*This is my unique story. Actual earnings vary significantly; no income is guaranteed. For info re: typical results, search Rodan + Fields IDS. If you would like to learn more about joining my team, you can click here.*


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